Tokyo to Kyoto? Get off the Train in Nishio

Millions of Tourists to Japan ride the Shinkansen between Tokyo and Kyoto passing one of the greatest hidden travel experiences, Nishio – not far from Shin-Anjo Station on the Tokaido Shinkansen. Guest house owner Rise invited me to Nishio claiming Nishio city nicknamed “Little Kyoto”

(How to) Ride the Shinkansen from Tokyo to Kyoto

I’m at Tokyo Station (at 6am) to ride Japan’s bullet train to Kyoto this morning. I don’t have a JR Rail Pass but I do have 15 minutes to get on the train! I also want an ekiben (train bento or boxed lunch) and A SEAT ON THE TRAIN!
I will buy a NON-RESERVED TICKET from a vending machine.
The bento shop is on the way. It’s time to RUN!!
(Can I get both in time?)